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BB Knowledge badge

BBK Badge.png

There are five levels of the BBK badge, all of which are required to obtain your Queen's Badge. The first two levels are awarded by your company while levels 3,4 and 5 are assessed by Boys' Brigade Victoria.

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the interview

 be at least BB Age 16 to begin. To complete lv3,4 & 5 of your BBK bagde you will need to pass an interview. This interview will be assessed by BB Vic.



the drill assessment

You will be assessed on your ability to teach a squad of boys on any part of drill up to the end of chapter 6 in the BBA Drill manual. Head to the resources page to download the manual and the latest supplement. 


the project

The BBK Project is your chance to work on any aspect of Boys' Brigade you wish that improves your company and the State. This project may be submitted in the form of a essay (min 2000) or any other format as long as you have put in the same amount of effort as a 2000 word essay.

This project will be overseen by the Queens' Badge assessor. 

First, you need to submit a Project Outline (download below) to the assessor and wait for approval before begging our project. For more info see the Queen's Badge Handbook.

BBK Masterclass

BBK Masterclasses are usually run twice a year and provide valuable training in the BBK Interview and Drill assessments. 

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