Hike Information
Here you'll find information about our next hike, where we're going and what you'll need to bring.
Contact Ian Telfer for more info.
You'll need to bring your own
sleeping bag
cooking pot
food + snacks
Gear to Bring
Boys' Brigade has tents, backpacks and stoves that you can borrow if needed.
Please contact Cled Richardson if you need to borrow any equipment for a hike.
Gear to Borrow
Check out some of our previous hikes below.
Do Bring
Light Items
Dry food (eg crackers)
Babybel Cheese
Dried Ready Meal
High-Protein Snack (nuts, dried fruits, chocolate)
Don't Bring
Canned food
Heavy Items
Mircowave only meals
Food that needs refrigerating
Meals that require a lot of preparation/cooking
Next Hike Date: 29th April - 1st of May
Location: Federation Hut
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